Gabbriella Conte
Yes, I agree with the quote above by Emerson. Some Christian's would argue me.While arguing this fact with me...would they have peace? I think not for the moment.  I am a Christian. Sometimes people do not look far enough into a meaning of words. God will bring you peace...but He just does not hand it out all over the place to you. How many of you would be aware of it if He did? We need to seek what we want in life with the wisdom we have learned. God is a gentleman...he gives us free choice. Freedom to choose if we believe in Him. Freedom to do with those beliefs what we choose. The real choice lies within ourselves. I am sure there are many Christians out there who do not have peace. Are they just waiting for God to hand it to them? You have to want it in your life. You have to act upon what you want to happen in your life.  Start within yourself and watch the world change around you. Without peace there is no love. Without love there is no peace.  